Sometimes someone...

      Sometimes someone...

      Sometimes someone talks to you, and your soul talks back.
      Its not even like its answering. It just opens up and you start to see, to breathe, to be whole, for once.
      You smell eternity and depth. Salt and air, you feel the wind rustling through your feathers, the water caressing your fins.
      You feel the grass under your feet and the gravel and the sand, and you are all that.
      Just now. Just like that.
      And you can have it all. Because you can.
      You can fly, you can swim, you can run and jump and find the sun and the birds and the sky.
      Your chords are swinging and you can hear your life and its melody, how it sings, just for you.
      Until it stops.
      Just like that.
      And you sit down.
      And you find darkness.
      And you open your eyes.
      You see nothing. You are blind. Blind and deaf.
      And you can’t smell and you can’t fly.
      You never swam or tasted salt.
      But sometimes, sometimes someone talks to you, and your soul talks back.
      It’s not even like it’s answering, you know?
      It just opens up and you start to see.
      Seelenverwandschaft gibt es Tatsächlich.
      Blindheit und Taubheit für seine Umgebung.

      Loslassen sehen und fühlen ,all die dinge die untergehen ,weil wir in einer Welt Leben die alles Schnell schnell.
      Wie der Hase aus Alice im Wunderland,keine zeit ,keine zeit ||

      Manchmal wird man genau durch solche Texte wieder daran Erinnert,worum es einem Wirklich gehen sollte.

      Toller Text ,auch wenn ich ein wenig gebraucht habe,da mein Englisch ein wenig eingerostet ist,bis ich mir alles Übersetzt hatte,denn einige Worte waren mir nicht mehr Geläufig